
Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart

This little concept car by Daimler-owned Smart Automobile, otherwise known as the Smart Vision EQ Fortwo is a new definition for the future of autonomous vehicles and a personalized computer-operated chauffeur system. 

Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart Daimler-Mercedes-Benz

The petite car is designed with in-built high-tech features to assist its self-driving functionality such as external large displays mounted on the front and rear ends for communication as well as fully-transparent doors to showcase the beauty in tech that lies therein, and allow passengers have a broader view of the environment while in commute.

Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart Daimler-Mercedes-Benz

The two-seater vehicle is designed in such a way that you can request a ride, and then it navigates its way to your location to pick you up. In other words, it would operate as a transporter in a car-rental service scheme where people can share rides.

Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart Daimler-Mercedes-Benz

As depicted in the images, the car has display panels embedded in the front grille which can communicate with other road users and pedestrians alike.

Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart Daimler-Mercedes-Benz

It would read names, show turn signals and display other useful information to alert people on when it's safe to cross the road and several other functions. 

Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart Daimler-Mercedes-Benz

The wide doors can also be used as translucent displays which show information to the passengers or people outside. This information include weather data, news, and other relevant information.

The electric drive train which is powered by an onboard electric battery with capacity of only about 30 Kilowatt hour turns the vehicle into an electric car with zero emission. 

Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous concept car by Smart Daimler-Mercedes-Benz

This concept could perhaps be said to have taken a cue from Daimler-Mercedes-Benz F 015 concept.

Just another one of Daimler's vision for a seamless automobile experience in the future. The company seems to be ditching every bit of combustion engine for the electric counterparts which is a welcome idea.

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