
This Jeep Grand Cherokee is built to move over other cars

Tagged the HUM Rider, this JEEP Grand Cherokee has been modified to lift itself and move over other vehicles in a traffic situation. It is fitted with custom hydraulics that allows it to elevate five feet high, thereby gaining enough clearance to glide above standstill vehicles. The operator can simply drive the JEEP over to escape the gridlock. 

Custom JEEP Grand Cherokee hum rider can move over other cars

You can call it a transformer, it sure looks like one. I was equally impressed just like you are when I first watched the video. Well, technology has gone quite far and this is no much of a surprise, although it's one of a hell to behold. I'd so wish to drive one myself. 

Custom JEEP Grand Cherokee hum rider can move over other cars
Custom JEEP Grand Cherokee hum rider can move over other cars
Custom JEEP Grand Cherokee hum rider can move over other cars

With a simple push of a button, the transformation begins to take place, no need to wait in a endless traffic gridlock, simply fly over and get going. That freaking moment when you are in your vehicle, seeing a car-cum-transformer move over you, casting a shadow thereon, how would you feel the vibe? This is just one of a kind from Amazon, that e-commerce company in the United States.

Custom JEEP Grand Cherokee hum rider can move over other cars
Custom JEEP Grand Cherokee hum rider can move over other cars

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