
Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)

So much extravagance, so much luxury! This multi-million dollar luxury airplane strikes an outstanding pose, revealing so much investment put into its construction. It's a specially customized Boeing 747 aircraft allegedly owned by an unknown super billionaire. 

Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)

The lovely views in the interior as depicted in the photos are so filled with amazing designs and fine touches all around, with panoramic views of the best homelike decoration. It comes complete with bedrooms, multiple lounges and an on-board restaurant, whatever the owner wanted to make out of this super-luxury aerospace accommodation.

Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)

While the owner remains unknown, it is reported that the overly-customized aircraft costs a whopping £400 million due to the specifications of the owner, just the way he wanted it. A 600-passenger aircraft has been converted to a private jet for just one super-rich personality who can have as many guests as possible in his party lounges and restaurants.

The aircraft is so huge and also contains meeting rooms. You can notice the conference room with several Apple (i-pad) devices on the table. How else can one spend his money if not on luxury, provided he can afford it? See the amazing shots below.

Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)
Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)
Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)
Inside the privately-owned $607 million flying mansion (Boeing 747)

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